Monday, August 23, 2010


Last Tuesday was Mary Claire's 7th birthday. She did it up big with a backyard water themed party. The water slide was huge. And a big hit. I think Ava only stopped long enough to eat ice cream and later have some pizza. Her stamina was most impressive.
I think Mary Claire had a great time. She certainly had lots of friends there to celebrate with her.
William, as you may have guessed, was not too keen on the water activities. It was so hot I kept slowly stripping off pieces of his clothing until he was at last down to just a swim diaper. His favorite thing to do that day was climb on top of the cooler and stare at the beverages.
And later he enjoyed spilling the contents out of all the leftover cups and then stacking them. Not a very flattering shot of his belly is it? Hehehe.
Matt loved the slide but also visited the trampoline a few times and paid the bunnies a couple visits as well. He ate up that ice cream cone, too. Yum!
This past Thursday we got to keep little Henry for the day, and we had such a great time with him. He is the sweetest baby, and he really fit in well with our two guys. Henry accompanied us to Matt's Meet the Teacher night at his preschool. Matt only has 5 kids in his class this year as opposed to the usual 11 or 12. The one-on-one is going to be really good for him, we are excited. His first day back is tomorrow!
Our garden produced it's first ripe, red tomato this weekend. Very exciting indeed!
We have lots more that should be ripening up soon. Matt was thrilled. He feels like he's been waiting forever to eat that first tomato. And boy was it good. Mmmm.
Adalyn Ruth arrived into the world on Friday, and we were able to meet her Saturday afternoon. The Hampton family is doing well and I know they are over the moon with their newest addition. She's got cute chubby cheeks and her nose and mouth remind me of her brother, Ryan. Congratulations Hamptons!!!
Y'all, this time next Monday...we'll be drivin' to the beach! Woo-hoo!!!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Let's catch up, shall we?

Summer is slipping away and things have been happening around here! It's mid-August already, which is wild, and Matt starts school again next Tuesday. The days are flying by. Oh yeah, I had a birthday a couple weeks ago! Somehow this year it got strung out into a few days, so that was kind of nice. I spent my actual birthday with Sarah and the girls along with my boys out at a splash park close to their house. Sarah spoiled me with cupcakes and lunch AND dinner. I had a wonderful time. Steven & I also had a date night (thanks to Pam!) and were able to see the Human Body exhibit at the Stark Center that I've been dying to see. Truly amazing, and well worth the money and time. We also had a nice early dinner out at Hula Hut on Saturday with some friends. The kids were with us so it wasn't entirely relaxing and we only stayed maybe an hour, but the food and company were awesome. Our nose-picking children:
This past weekend we journeyed to Jacksonville for a visit with Steven's folks, and Tim & Pam joined in on the fun as well.
Will was naturally thoroughly entertained by the stairs and was able to navigate them safely even if it scared us all half to death.
The piano was a hit again with both boys. I love this picture, it's so cute. William was loving it.
On Saturday, the men headed out to Toby's shop to check on the latest car projects. They made the trip in Tim's vintage Camaro. Aren't they cute?
Saturday afternoon we visited with the Prewitt's, and Mason & Matt had a grand old time playing together. At one point they were playing upstairs by only the light of the lava lamp (Matt keeps referring to it as a volcano lamp) in Mason's room. Will & Anslee danced around each other with curious fascination. We're looking forward to hanging out with them more at the beach in a couple weeks!
Sunday morning before we left we headed out to the farm to see what we could catch. Steven & I walked around that little pond and neither of us caught a thing. But, it was still nice to be out there. Matt preferred sitting next to Grandpa rather than holding a fishing pole, and he was a little perturbed that there were no snacks to enjoy. I guess that's why he wasn't too interested in posing for a picture.

We had a lovely visit. It is always so nice staying with the Joneses. We left on Sunday right at naptime.

It worked out perfectly!

Monday, August 9, 2010


It's hard to believe, but William is 18 months old. A full-blown toddler! At his well check at the doctor's office not long ago we learned that he continues to be tiny (surprise!) and is following his own curve. The Dr. was impressed with his newly acquired walking/running skills and his ease of chit-chat. He cried with great protest during his shots but recovered quickly enough to go strutting down the hallway and out of the building. He's one that doesn't want to be carried. That strikes me funny because my huge son, Matthew, insisted on being lugged around and probably still would if I could...but then my tiny little one wants desperately to be independent and toddle along on his own.
Some things that William likes:
  • anything Yo Gabba Gabba or Thomas the train related
  • to pull all his books down from the shelf
  • to play peek-a-boo with himself or anyone who is willing
  • to try on shoes, anyone's
  • eating yogurt or oatmeal or snacks
  • playing with hats
  • running away from Steven or I
  • not eating his own food but eating off our plates
  • messing up his brother's letters and words he's spelled
  • going down slides all by himself
  • sitting in my lap first thing in the morning while watching a show
  • putting on a little show at the foot of the table while the rest of us finish up dinner
  • scooting backward on his tummy
  • climbing things that are too big for him...which is most things
  • sitting on the kitchen countertop
  • running to see who's at the front door
  • looking at pictures of himself and saying "baby"
  • following Matt wherever he goes
  • making sound effects
  • pushing the swiffer mop around
  • Some things William doesn't like:
  • sitting still at a restaurant in a high chair
  • sitting still in a cart at HEB or Target
  • sitting in a stroller while I shop
  • fresh fruit or vegetables of any kind
  • when Matt puts up "gates" to block Will from destroying whatever he's playing with
  • swimming or getting water on his face
  • having to leave the toy store before he's ready
  • waiting on his brother to swing first before it's his turn
  • anyone to be on the computer
  • sitting still
William has a following wherever he goes, be it the gym, church, park, grocery store or wherever it doesn't matter. Adults and children are drawn to him. Everywhere we go people are thrilled to see him and he is equally as jazzed to see them. He is full of energy and personality. He's always trying to make us laugh. He talks constantly and it is loud, loud, loud. His thumb is his best companion and gives him the reassurance he needs. His smile and laugh are the cutest things I've ever seen--and they show off all his crazy teeth. William has things to do and a world to try and figure out. It's an indescribable feeling of joy being able to watch him grow. My sweet little Will.