Last Tuesday was Mary Claire's 7th birthday. She did it up big with a backyard water themed party. The water slide was huge. And a big hit. I think Ava only stopped long enough to eat ice cream and later have some pizza. Her stamina was most impressive.
I think Mary Claire had a great time. She certainly had lots of friends there to celebrate with her.
William, as you may have guessed, was not too keen on the water activities. It was so hot I kept slowly stripping off pieces of his clothing until he was at last down to just a swim diaper. His favorite thing to do that day was climb on top of the cooler and stare at the beverages.

And later he enjoyed spilling the contents out of all the leftover cups and then stacking them. Not a very flattering shot of his belly is it? Hehehe.

Matt loved the slide but also visited the trampoline a few times and paid the bunnies a couple visits as well. He ate up that ice cream cone, too. Yum!
This past Thursday we got to keep little Henry for the day, and we had such a great time with him. He is the sweetest baby, and he really fit in well with our two guys. Henry accompanied us to Matt's Meet the Teacher night at his preschool. Matt only has 5 kids in his class this year as opposed to the usual 11 or 12. The one-on-one is going to be really good for him, we are excited. His first day back is tomorrow!

Our garden produced it's first ripe, red tomato this weekend. Very exciting indeed!
We have lots more that should be ripening up soon. Matt was thrilled. He feels like he's been waiting forever to eat that first tomato. And boy was it good. Mmmm.

Adalyn Ruth arrived into the world on Friday, and we were able to meet her Saturday afternoon. The Hampton family is doing well and I know they are over the moon with their newest addition. She's got cute chubby cheeks and her nose and mouth remind me of her brother, Ryan. Congratulations Hamptons!!!
Y'all, this time next Monday...we'll be drivin' to the beach! Woo-hoo!!!