Bath time has been entertaining for them both lately, too. Right now they get the most laughs out of sticking various bath toys into each other's mouths. Or Matt will make Will laugh by spitting water from his mouth.
Will gets his fill eventually and is desperate to get out. Matt kind of takes over the bath tub. He's huge!
For Father's Day my dear husband had to work all day. Boo! But, it's doing that sort of thing that makes him a wonderful father and husband. We are so thankful for his job and the way he is able to provide for our family. We celebrated him when he got home with cards, a gift and some awesome grilled steaks. One of my favorite times of day is when Steven gets home from work and the kids go running to greet him. Matt is usually planted at the window watching for his car, and Will comes toddling excitedly when he hears Steven come in the door. It's adorable. Those boys loves their daddy. Hope all you daddy's out there had a great Father's Day!