I figured it was only fair that I catch you up on Matthew since I gave you all of Will's latest news. I was just commenting to some friends this weekend that year 4 has been my favorite so far. The words that come out of his mouth are often times hilarious, confusing, thought provoking and are always spoken at a ridiculous volume. Seriously, I'm right here--you don't need to yell! And he talks all the time. Especially at meal time. That seems to be the time his mind is really processing things. That's when we have our most serious and silly conversations. He usually remembers funny things that have happened at school that he never remembers to tell me when I pick him up. How was school Matthew? It was good, I played. But then at the dinner table he'll tell me that at the playground at school that day he and two of his buddies were racing but he didn't want to race anymore and was all hot and sweaty so he went and sat in the shade with his teacher, Ms. Bee.
What is incredible about this little boy is that he is reading. No, we've done no drilling or training or special teaching at all. He just has the knack and the desire. He's been reading for nearly a year now and just gets better at it everyday. It's kind of freaky to me that he just taught himself but it's really neat. He's always loved letters and words, and over time has recognized a lot of words by sight. Now he'll sound out words he doesn't know. Blows me away to hear him read. He gets shy about it though at times. The other day he was playing in the bath tub while I was putting Will in bed and I heard him reading the back of the soap bottle. "Lather up for baby soft skin!"
Matthew is my little chef. He's too big to sit on the counter anymore so he either drags in his big steps or uses my step ladder to watch and help me in the kitchen. If he even hears my mixer or food processor he comes running from wherever he is. He wants to watch, help pour, open things, stir, push buttons, or whatever I will let him do. He's only burned himself once on the stove. Lesson learned for sure. His help may be a little heavy handed and messy at times but it makes me smile. I will do whatever I can to encourage his cooking skills and appreciation for food. Not to mention I have sweet memories of sitting on the counter for numerous years watching my mom cook.
One of the more annoying Matthew traits is his inability to dress himself. And he insists on undressing completely from the waist down when using the bathroom. I liken it to his refusal to potty train. He could do it if he wanted to take the time to be still and do it, but he just won't. So, like last year with the potty training I've told him that once school is over in May we're going to buckle down and tackle getting dressed. I expect him to come whining to me and holding a ball full of clothing begging for help.
He's got this new walk that he does. It's hilarious. He puts his hands down at his sides, shrugs his shoulders and shuffles sideways with his legs. All with a strange chicka-chicka sound effect. Today we were leaving the park and he said, "Hannah wait--I have to show you one more thing!" And he busted out the crazy walk. So proud.
He's my big, sweet boy. He'll still snuggle up with me and rest his head on my shoulder while I read to him. He loves back scratches. He'll still give me a big hug and a kiss when I leave him places. He tells me he loves me. It's the sweetest thing to hear. He's growing up fast which is exciting and sad all at once. He tells me that he'll stop sucking his thumb and snuggling his "B" when he goes to kindergarten. Good thing he's got another year!