What a beautiful weekend we had here! It really was perfect--except, Steven was working of course. Boo. The kids and I tried to take advantage and spent most of our time outside. We had a picnic lunch at the park by our house on Saturday. We got there and I couldn't quite figure out what was going on, but I think there was some kind of TCU alumni gathering there--all I know is there was a huge TCU flag stuck in the gravel and everyone was wearing purple. The kids were playing and Matt was making new friends when all of a sudden we heard this drum beat and looked to see two Chinese dragons come dancing up the sidewalk to the park. Apparently this party had hired them and we got to enjoy watching them. Matthew was fascinated. He and another little boy he'd just met ran all over the playground and pretended the dragons were chasing them. And at one point they were! We picked a great day to head to the park, that's for sure.

Here's my little Muffin. He was thoroughly entertained by his cousins. At least for awhile. Then he remembered that he hadn't napped and it was 2:00 and he lost it. He was a trooper though.

When it came time for the egg hunt Matt gathered up with his age bracket. I love this picture...he's awkwardly talking to some little girls and introducing himself. I was proud of Matthew; he didn't mow anybody down and nor did he hoard all the eggs and get too many. He did a great job. I think it helped that I prepped him with a little pep talk before it all began. So maybe he does listen to some of what I say...

It was a thoroughly enjoyable day. My kids were wiped out and slept all afternoon. This week we have more Easter parties and preparations for Sunday. I think Easter is my favorite holiday. It's a beautiful time of year, Easter candy is my favorite of all year (hello Peeps & Cadbury eggs!), and mostly I love what Easter is all about--our risen Savior.