Matthew Thomas is 4 years old! Crazy. I remember holding him in the hospital feeling such intense love for him immediately and at the same time wondering how in the world I was supposed to take care of this hungry, huge bundle. We've been celebrating Matt's birthday for a few days now. It began on Friday when Dad & Ann drove up to visit with us. They brought Matt (and the rest of us!) a cupcake and gifts and we had a little birthday celebration.

Knowing Matt's love of maps and roads they gave him this awesome rug that features all the states and several interstates. He loves it! His cars have ridden all over those roads already. We had a great time with Poppi & Grann and were sad to see them go.

Saturday was the big party day. The bounce house was delivered that morning, and Matt sat at the back door and stared as they set it up. It had a slide attached to it so it led to hours and hours of fun.

I don't know of any real injuries, thank goodness, but I do know that I found a few new bruises on Matt's legs and arms the next day! There were lots and lots of kids bouncing around in there, so it's bound to happen. Matt did come and tattle on one of his friends quite a few times that wouldn't stop tackling him. He was a dirty, sweaty mess by the end of it all. He was having a blast.

For lunch we had some awesomely delicious Chick-Fil-A chicken nuggets and sandwiches with fruit, veggies and all of Matt's favorite chips and dips. He requested a Curious George cake, so I did my best to comply. I must admit it's not my finest work...it was probably the toughest cake I've had to decorate, but it certainly tasted great.

Once again, Matt grinned all throughout the singing of happy birthday. He did sing along a bit at first, but then sat back and soaked it all in. The kids ate cake and then bounced some more. People then began to leave in order to catch a nap for their worn out children (you're welcome!). We bounced some ourselves and watched the end of the UT game.

Matt got to open his presents and was showered with all kinds of things that move, books, robots, Yo Gabba Gabba paraphenalia, etc. He had lots of help from Ava & Josh who were still hanging out with us. This year Matt knew that the cards said Happy Birthday Matthew and could read it. Hilarious.

Our fatal mistake may have been missing naptime that day, but we decided to keep bouncing and power through the meltdown. He only had one fit where he was denied a second helping of cake and then when he was disagreeable about taking a family picture. Steven wrestled him into submission!

It was a wonderful, fun day and I know Matthew loved every minute of it. He is adored by so many! What an incredible blessing that boy is. God has given us an unbelievable gift in that child. He has brought us such joy in his 4 years, we can't imagine life without him. He has such a happy, easy-going personality and loves, loves the company of others. He still lets me snuggle him every now and then so I feel like he hasn't grown up too much yet! Happy Birthday Matthew!